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Gaujac, France
De Lundi - Samedi de 09h - 21h


My name is Stephanie, and my friends and family call me mamanie.
I'm originally from Cameroon. I settled in the South of France where I started my family and built my life.

For some time now, I've been toying with the idea of setting up humanitarian associations. I'm often discouraged by the lack of time, dragged down by the daily grind.
Unfortunately, I find this motivation in my deep sorrow, following the sudden and untimely death of my big sister CARINE.

Carine is a bold, smiling and above all proud young woman.
She is a wife and mother of 3 children. She lives from odd jobs to make ends meet, feed and educate her children.
When she lost another child at birth, her doctor advised her not to try again.
Looking back, Carine was psycho-traumatized by the loss of her babies.
She lives in the countryside, where the infrastructure for follow-up care of complex pregnancies is limited.
Unfortunately, another pregnancy would cost her her life and that of her prematurely born baby.

It was with the aim of transforming my pain into something constructive that the association “Le sourire de Carine” was born. As I was unable to do more for my sister, my wish today is that, through the association, children and pregnant women in disadvantaged situations can benefit from support and accompaniment, however symbolic.

I'm delighted that, through this association, I'll be able to perpetuate my sister's memory, carry out this buried humanitarian appeal and, above all, meet all of you to .... share a smile.

Until I meet you again, I say to you

Thank you for your smiles!